Joan Wing-Kam Lo, the founder and director of The Sheepfold, is currently teaching in a NSW high school. Joan was also the co-founder and principal of Yiu Wah Chinese School, a non-profit educational organisation under the NSW Department of Education and Training (2013-2020), in Southern Sydney.
Joan has great passion and commitment towards teaching and learning. She is especially interested in bilingual and TESOL education. Joan has extensive experience in various educational settings ranging from Early Childhood Centre, Primary School, Community Language School, Coaching School, Adult English School to Church.
Joan graduated from St. Paul's School (Lam Tin) in Hong Kong and Macquarie University in Sydney. Her majors were English Literature and Primary Education respectively. She then obtained her Graduate Certificate in Religious Education at ACU.
Joan has advanced her career with a Master of Teaching (Secondary) degree at WSU. She also holds a Diploma in Language Teaching as well as a Certificate in Leadership and Management issued by the University of Sydney. She has completed a Certificate IV in TESOL (Teaching English to Students of Other Languages) at TAFE too.